Bay Area Rapid Transit: Retirement Plans

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Javier Fregoso

Javier Fregoso is a native Californian, born and raised in the East Bay. He was hired by the BART Police Department in August 1989. Javier has served as an elected Director, Secretary and Treasurer of The BART Police Officer Association since 2009 and is currently a member of the BART Police Officer Association collective bargaining team. Javier is also the Vice President of the BART Police Officer Association Charitable foundation and was appointed as a Trustee to the BART Investment Plans Committee in 2012. Javier is currently assigned to Administration with the BART Police Department.

Contact Your Representative

Ryan Bertrand
Retirement Plans Specialist
(202) 759-7187
Patrick O'Marah
Retirement Plans Specialist
(202) 759-7277
Ray Ortiz
Retirement Plans Specialist
(202) 759-7126
Bilingual (English & Spanish)