401(a) Defined Contribution Plan<br />457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan: For DC Government Employees

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The District of Columbia retirement plans are a great way to build financial security through convenient paycheck contributions and tax benefits. Learn more about the plans the District offers to help you plan for your financial future.

DC Employees

  • 401(a) Defined Contribution Plan: This plan is for District employees (except Police Officers, Firefighters, Teachers and Civil Service Retirement System employees) who were hired for the first time on or after October 1, 1987. You are automatically enrolled in the Plan after completing one year of creditable service.
  • 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan: You are eligible to participate if you are a District employee who who is in an agency under the personnel authority of the Mayor, in a subordiante agency as defined in the Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978 and if approved by the Mayor, an agency not under the personnel authority of the Mayor or an independent agency. There are no age or length of service requirements.

How much do you know about the District of Columbia retirement plans? Watch this video to hear a message from Bruno Fernandes, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for the Office of Finance and Treasury. 

UMC Employees

  • 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan:  Any employee who is classified by the United Medical Center (UMC) as a "regular" or "at-will" full-time or part-time employee is eligible to participate. Employees who are classified by UMC as "temporary" or "interns" are not eligible to participate. There are no age or length of service requirements.
  • 401(a) Defined Contribution Plan: Any employee who currently participates and is actively contributing to the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan will receive a matching contribution from UMC.