401(a) Defined Contribution Plan<br />457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan: For DC Government Employees

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Retirement Income Solutions

As you embark on your retirement journey, there are many decisions to make. One of the most important is how you will receive your retirement income. Many options exist, from periodic or systematic withdrawals to receiving annuity payments, and the best strategy for you might be a combination of solutions.

Do not worry — you are not alone. Your local MissionSquare Retirement Retirement Plan Specialists are ready to help you. Contact your representative today if you have any questions or would like to meet one-on-one about the options available to you.

The District of Columbia offers you a full spectrum of Retirement Income Solutions to help you achieve the life you want in retirement. Your Retirement Income Solutions include:

Retirement Income Solutions Traditional Immediate Annuities Longeivity Insurance Lifetime Income Fund Managed Accounts

Periodic Withdrawals are unscheduled withdrawals that occur when you request money from your account.

Systematic Withdrawals are withdrawals that you plan to receive on a regular basis (e.g., 4 percent of your account balance each month, a fixed dollar amount monthly, quarterly, etc.).

Managed Accounts is an option that allows your account to be managed on your behalf by MissionSquare Retirement.

Lifetime Income* is a type of fund designed to help you allocate your retirement assets and receive guaranteed lifetime income. *Fund closed to contributions and fund transfers-in.

Longevity Insurance provides retirement income payments that are guaranteed to last for the rest of your life. But, unlike traditional annuities, the income does not begin at the time of retirement or purchase. Instead, income payments begin later, at an age you decide in advance (must begin payments by age 85).

Traditional Immediate Annuities provide retirement income payments immediately that are guaranteed to last for the rest of your life; income begins at the time of retirement or purchase.

Retirement Income SolutionsSee our Income Solutions brochure for a brief overview of all the retirement income solutions that are available to District of Columbia 401(a) Retirement Plan and 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan participants.

Retiree Resources

Find resources for retirees on the MissionSquare Retirement Retirement Education Center.

  • It Pays to be Retired — MissionSquare Retirement helps public-sector employees throughout their working and retirement years. Find checklists, recorded webinars, videos, and more to help you plan your retirement.
  • Get Ready to Retire — What steps do public-sector employees need to consider? Here are a few checklists, online calculators, online articles, and more to help you prepare for retirement.
  • 10 Question Retiree Guide — Transitioning into and through retirement means opportunities and challenges. Focus on these 10 key questions to guide you.

Questions? Your local MissionSquare Retirement plan representatives are here to help you. Contact a representative today to ask questions, make a one-on-one appointment, or register for an education seminar today.